Mike Pries for County Commissioner

Commissioner Mike Pries knows attracting companies that offer family-sustaining jobs is crucial to improving the lives of Dauphin County’s residents.
From working with his fellow commissioners to hold the line on property taxes for 18 straight years to spearheading the redevelopment of commercial sites throughout the county, Mike focuses on economic growth that benefits everyone.
As the driving force behind the county’s transformation Initiative, Mike is working to set the stage for reusing long-dormant industrial locations. The demolition of the crumbling Millersburg Reamer and Tool Company and agreements to help find developers for vacant sites in Steelton and Hummelstown are among the latest efforts to turn blighted properties into new opportunities.
Working with his fellow commissioners, over the past eight years Mike approved the awarding of gaming grants from the Hollywood Casino that has spurred almost $300 million in additional investment and saved local tax dollars. Grants fund critical needs ranging from equipment for first responders to upgrading sewer and water systems.
Before becoming a county commissioner, Mike served as Chairman of the Derry Township Supervisors, where he held the line on taxes there as well. He also led the effort to build the GIANT Center, home of the Hershey Bears.
Mike continues to reside in Derry Township with his wife Angela and two children, Carter and Will.
He is an active member of the St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church.
When he became a commissioner in 2010, Mike promised to do all he could to hold the line on taxes and work to better the lives of all county residents – promises he continues to keep.
Nick Chimienti for Sheriff

Nick Chimienti has served as the Dauphin County Sheriff since 2016 where he has been fiscally responsible, while maintaining and ensuring the safety and security of the courthouse and the citizens of Dauphin County.
Nick entered the Pennsylvania State Police Academy in September of 1985 and went on to be a 27 year veteran of the Pennsylvania State Police, including a 3-year fulltime detachment to the FBI Joint Terrorism Taskforce after the “Attack on America” on September 11, 2001. During that time Nick investigated International, National and State terrorism subjects after obtaining a “Top Secret” clearance.
Nick was also a supervisor for seven years in the Criminal Investigation unit at Troop H, Harrisburg and spent his last year supervising the PSP team at Hollywood Casino in Grantville.
Nick has extensive experience with using computers, social media and surveillance cameras. He has a vast knowledge of Dauphin County critical infrastructure and courthouse procedures. Nick has proven strong interpersonal relationships with hundreds of Federal, State and Local Law Enforcement Departments throughout Pennsylvania and the United States in exchanging intelligence information regarding Safety and Security.
After Nick’s retirement from the State Police in 2012, he worked as a Court Security Officer, working with the US Marshals at the Federal Building in downtown Harrisburg. Nick was responsible for the security of the courtrooms, the Federal Judges and their staff, ensuring no weapons entered the courthouse and assisted with the security of prisoners at the Federal Courthouse.
Nick has participated in more than 93 extensive Training and Development programs conducted by: FBI, Department of Homeland Security, Drug Enforcement Agency, FEMA, U.S. Marshalls, PA State Police, Maryland State Police, New Jersey State Police, and others.
Nick grew up in Chambers Hill, lived for many years in Rutherford, and currently lives in Lower Paxton Township. Nick has been married to his wife Kathy for 26 years and they have two children. Nick is currently an active volunteer for youth Football and Baseball in the Central Dauphin School District.
Nick believes in keeping up to date with current trends and has been an advocate and implementer of technology throughout his entire career. Nick will continue to seek more efficient and cost-effective ways to operate the office of Sheriff.
Jean Marfizo King for Register of Wills

Jean Marfizo King is a life-long resident of Dauphin County and was elected to the position in November 2011 and was sworn into office in January 2012.
Since her election, Jean’s focus has been to preserve historical records and to modernize, making the office more efficient and convenient for Dauphin County residents. Nearly every record in her office, including marriage licenses, probates, inheritance tax files, guardianships, terminations, and adoptions has been scanned, indexed, and preserved.
In March 2020, Jean led her office to be the first in Pennsylvania to implement virtual marriage licenses and probates. Her innovations and development in virtual marriage licensing, virtual probate, and e-filing earned her the prestigious Governor’s Award for Local Government Excellence in Information Technology in 2022.
Jean’s commitment to preservation and modernization allows the public to access the offices and its public records from anywhere in the world at any time of day. Utilizing her global business experience and MBA, Jean has been successful in modernizing the office, and raising revenues for Dauphin County without using taxpayer dollars.
Jean is also active and engaged in her community. Jean currently serves as the President of the Kiwanis Club of Harrisburg and is a Board Member of the Panther Ram Foundation. Jean also recently served as the Past President of the Register of Wills & Clerks of Orphans’ Court Association of Pennsylvania.
Jean enjoys serving the public, and she hopes to have the opportunity to continue to do so.
Nick DiFrancesco for Treasurer

Nick DiFrancesco is running for Dauphin County Treasurer because of his belief that it takes a lot of dedication, understanding and experience to keep Dauphin County moving in the right direction.
As with the position of County Commissioner, the Treasurer bears the responsibility to keep us on solid financial footing, diligently watching to ensure that County revenue streams are processed properly. The Treasurer is also responsible to county employees and residents as a member of the Retirement Board. While some may not understand the importance of a healthy retirement system, Nick has the experience of knowing that smart investments and quality market returns mean less tax burden on county residents.
Over the past two decades, Nick DiFrancesco has lived out his passion for inspiring struggling communities. He served urban, suburban, and rural neighborhoods by coming along side of local leaders and forging relationships that united people around common needs. He was the youngest elected council president to serve on Highspire Borough Council. His leadership brought competing interests together in a way that allowed Highspire to move forward on desperately needed road projects and a critical rehabilitation of the borough’s aging municipal building. As a commissioner in Lower Swatara Township, Nick was deeply involved in the budgeting and planning process that kept the rapidly growing municipality’s focus on smart growth and on maintaining a healthy quality of life for township residents.
In 2004, Nick was sworn in as a Dauphin County Commissioner. In partnership with his fellow commissioners, the board moved on an aggressive agenda to stabilize the county’s financial troubles. Nick led the charge to improve and ultimately privatize Dauphin County’s failing nursing home. Privatizing the nursing home relieved Dauphin County residents of an annual multimillion dollar financial burden and, more importantly, transitioned the home to a viable health care option for families living in Central Pennsylvania. The decisions made in Nick’s first term laid the foundation of Dauphin County’s current run of 18 years without the need for a property tax increase.
Three decades ago, Nick and his young wife (Pastor) Stefanie DiFrancesco began their life journey with their first home in Highspire, Dauphin County. On a modest annual salary, supplemented by Nick’s service to the Pennsylvania Army National Guard, the two went on to raise two children, Dominic and Elizabeth, and are now blessed with five grandchildren.
Mary Bateman for Controller

Mary Bateman has served as our Controller since 2022. As the independent financial watchdog, Mary ensures that Dauphin County tax dollars are being spent efficiently, effectively, and appropriately.
As our County Controller, Mary has emphasized increased transparency to make sure that taxpayers know how government is spending their money. Mary has increased contract and procurement transparency through the Internet and social media and posted the county’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, Retirement Fund Summary, and the Popular Annual Report on Facebook and other social media platforms. Mary has also provided shorter, more accessible versions of the county’s financial reports and audits so that the public can better understand the county finances.
Mary was born and raised in Dauphin County. Mary is a 1996 graduate of Upper Dauphin Area High School and earned her degree in business administration from Central Penn College. Mary is currently a candidate for a master’s in business administration focusing on accounting at Lebanon Valley College.
Prior to being elected County Controller Mary worked for the Upper Dauphin Area School District in a variety of business management and accounting roles, including business manager and payroll/accounts payable secretary.
In her free time, Mary is actively engaged in our community as a volunteer for numerous organizations. She serves as a member of the Dauphin County Hazardous Materials Response Team, a volunteer firefighter for Liberty Hose Company No. 2 in Lykens, and a board member for the Upper Dauphin Area Trojan Educational Foundation.